full name : Coimbatore Krishnarao Prahalad
native town : Coimbatore , Tamilnadu, India
Higher education: University of Madras (Physics)
First Work experience: Branch Manager Union Carbide (Battery Division)
Doctorate: Harvard university
Faculty position : University of Michigan's Business School, Ann Arbor
Intellectual Partner: Gary Hamel
Results of partnership: The book 'Competing for the Future (1994)'
other books :
The Future of Competition (2004)
The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid (2004)
His own words: the world's poor (the 'bottom of the pyramid') as a potential untapped market for companies, worth anything up to $13 trillion a year. "The real source of market promise is not the wealthy few in the developing world, or even the emerging middle-income consumers. It is the billions of aspiring poor who are joining the market economy for the first time" he explains. A market at the bottom of the pyramid could be co-created by multi-national and domestic industry, non-governmental organisations and, most importantly, the poor themselves. They would then have choice over their lives and the products they use.
His vision for India : India @ 75 http://www.indiaat75.in/about.asp
Awards from india : Lal Bahadur Shastri award for Excellence in Management (2000),
Padma Bhushan (2009)
offering tribute to this great academician, thinker and strategist. three profound concepts come to my mind, contributed by him: Core competence | Bottom of the Pyramid | Co-creation
his vision shall live for decades
you can listen to C K Prahlad here......
contributed by sasikanth prabhu